How Recycling Became the Seed of Fully Grown Conservationist by Lisa Bailey

If you think you’ve been doing things in your home to support protecting the planet and recycle, I urge you to watch this documentary and education yourself. “Wishcycling,” the term Broken used to describe local recycling programs how truly broken and misleading they are is what most Americans are doing with that recycling bin that you set out every week with you garbage.

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Il Makiage? Worth It or Too Damn Expensive by Lisa Bailey

Do you ever find yourselves succumbing to the pressure of an ad on social media? For whatever reason, you’ve stopped scrolling and watched their promoted ad one too many times and before you know it, you’re two glasses of wine into a bottle and clicked, “Try it for free for 14 days.”

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Being Brave and Brokenhearted by Lisa Bailey

I confess....while some my roll their eyes at the new-fangled stories Brené Brown tells, I am all in when it comes to her words. They are so very powerful to me and speak to how I want to continually live as a women, a mother, a professional, a friend - basically what I need to wake up and bring to the table every day to be an upright, contributor to our society. Here's a little something she shared on her website, .