Why Do We Mourn Celebrities? / by Lisa Bailey

As I watched the nightmare for the Bryant family unfold yesterday with sadness and shock, I watched as many fans openly mourned this tragedy and loss. I have never been a huge basketball fan. What am I saying…I’m not really a big sports fan at all! I’ve attended a few pro sporting events and enjoyed them but I don’t watch televised sports – not even the Super Bowl.


But I felt for these fans that were devastated at the loss not only to his family but to basketball, the LA community, his hometown of Philly, and so many more. I remember feeling a lot like this when Heath Ledger, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, and Prince passed away.

Why do we feel so invested in these celebrities? I think it’s because their talent brings us joy in some way. Be it an athlete, an actor, or a musician – their immense skill is something we admire. Their performances make us happy. At the most basic form – they entertain us and often that entertainment offers us an escape from stress, sadness, or other equally negative feelings and situations in our lives.

Those celebrities that elect to share more of their personal lives with fan become even more endeared to their fans because they are not only talented at their profession, but they are also charismatic and have an uncanny ability to make us feel included in their lives. The celebrities give us social connectedness

In addition to the way we, specifically Americans, love our celebrities – losing anyone tragically and unexpectedly shocks us and we respond with sadness and empathy. It reminds us at a very subconscious level that were are not immortal. If it can happen to our favorite celebrity – it can also take our loved ones with no warning.

The loss of Kobe Bryant and his young daughter triggers our empathic response. It is a tragedy and it is completely okay to be affected. If you feel isolated or alone in your grief, use your social media to connect with others mourning or share your feelings with someone you trust.  Crisis Text Line is also a great resource if you feel alone with your grief. You can reach their counselors by texting HOME to 741741 24 hours a day.