This Is 2020, Living In A Pandemic – Frustrated / by Lisa Bailey

Today my word is frustrated. I’m frustrated at so many things today, all of which are totally beyond my control.

Note: A lot of my frustration today revolves around the POTUS and his administration’s actions regarding the Coronavirus. If you have any issues with someone who does not believe this was handled responsibly - please just stop reading now. I will delete any negative comments.

  • I’m frustrated that I’m watching so many people’s livelihoods dissolve. When this is over, there will be some many people who simply have to start over.

  • I’m frustrated that so many are not taking this virus seriously because they don’t believe they will get seriously ill but are too selfish to see the impact to those older or immune compromised so they continue in their day-to-day lives with no regard for anyone else.

  • I’m frustrated that my daughter is stuck on an island (literally) and while she is an adult and I support her making her own choices, it’s scary to me.

  • I’m frustrated that so many wonderful local businesses will likely be no more after the dust settles.

  • I’m frustrated that since late June, the POTUS knew this was coming and downplayed it from late January until just a week ago.

  • I’m frustrated that the Executive Director of the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense said on February 12 travel restrictions weren’t going to be enough and still, it was downplayed.

  • I’m frustrated that on February 13, the Director of the CDC and Prevention basically said we had missed the opportunity to contain and yet still, it was downplayed.

  • I’m frustrated that on February 14, the POTUS was quoted telling the National Border Patrol Council summer heat would kill the virus.

  • I’m frustrated that even as the number of cases escalated, again the POTUS created a false narrative that infections were declining even though the Principle Director of the CDC said (at the same news conference) more cases were coming.

  • I’m frustrated again that on February 27, the POTUS again downplayed the seriousness of this pandemic.

  • I’m even more frustrated that on February 28, he spoke at a rally and told his “fans” that this was a hoax from Democrats and the news creating “hysteria.”

  • I’m frustrated that the POTUS spoke at another rally on March 2 and told people that a vaccine was coming while the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said – ON THE SAME DAY – a vaccine would take 12 to 18 months.

  • I’m frustrated that the POTUS again, told Hannity and Fox News on March 4 that this again, wasn’t as serious at the “fake news” made it out to be and that the next day, even his VP was telling a different story.

  • I’m frustrated that as early as March 6, the POTUS said “Anybody that needs a test can have a test.”

  • I’m frustrated that even 5 days ago, the POTUS was downplaying the severity of the Coronavirus and how it would impact the country, our families, our jobs, our retirement accounts.

  • I’m frustrated that even on Tuesday, when the POTUS began to backtrack and said he had “always known” this was a pandemic and yet still, there are people in this country that do not see the responsibility of what we’re experiencing today lays at the feet of the POTUS.

  • I’m frustrated that I’m watching so many people’s livelihoods dissolve. When this is over, there will be some many people who simply have to start over.

  • I’m frustrated that my daughter is stuck on an island (literally) and while she is an adult and I support her making her own choices, it’s scary to me.

  • I’m frustrated that the proposed relief package the administration wants to implement does not include provisions for our healthcare workers and first responders, who are dealing with this on the front lines every day without enough equipment.

  • I’m frustrated that so many wonderful local businesses will likely be no more after the dust settles.

  • I’m frustrated that a chunk of people are so completely living in abject fear that they have been reduced to fighting over toilet paper and attacking nurses who are filling their cars up with gas by spraying Lysol on them.

  • I’m frustrated that due to this, we are suffering shortages that are unnecessary. The fear has created this.

  • I’m frustrated that we, as a society, have allowed the media to feed us 24/7. People do not need to be watching this narrative over and over and over continuously. It’s not healthy for anyone.

  • I’m frustrated that there is an enormous fracture within my family because of politics and I fear that fracture may never heal.

  • I’m frustrated because I am so distracted by all of this I’m unable to focus for more than a few minutes at a time on any one thing.

I feel like mentally, today was a step back for me and I’m probably best served not only social-distancing but giving myself a little evening isolation – not because I’m sick health-wise but because I’m heartsick. I’m also hoping, like yesterday, the act of putting all this on to paper will help purge the frustration and give me a sense of relief. I know this is all only temporary and I never have the energy to be angry for very long. Here’s hoping tomorrow will be a better day.
